


When you hire a house cleaning service for “regular cleaning”, it usually involves your usual weekly cleaning tasks. The main purpose of regular cleaning is to maintain a certain level of cleanliness around your house.

Generally, regular house cleanings will cost you less when compared to deep cleanings. However, since regular cleaning is more about the maintenance, it’s usually done based on a schedule. For instance, the cleaning service can come over to your house every two weeks or once a month, depending on your needs.


O deep cleaning: Deep cleaning tackles everything from cobwebbed ceiling fans down to dirty tile grout. Intensive deep cleaning is usually done by a team of cleaners who can fan out to go in-depth on all the problem areas in your home or office.

Professionals can deep clean any type of residential dwelling, from a small studio apartment to homes with two or more bedrooms. Small businesses and corporate offices also benefit from deep cleaning services — workers can be happier and more productive in a healthy environment, and cleanliness makes customers happy.

Carpet and window cleaning

Carpet cleaning what should you expect from the service

Carpet cleaning is considered, by many, a magic service that can lift old stains which have been unsuccessfully attempted with various cleaning products, or remove imbedded pet hair from carpets that have not been vacuumed for prolonged periods of times, or eliminate furniture indentation marks from furniture that sat in situ for years.

Hot water extraction , most commonly referred to as carpet steam cleaning is a complex set of tasks, which could be narrowed down to four steps.

Vacuuming the dry soils out
Pre-treatment to break dirt down
Stain removal treatment
Hot water extraction
*HWE: solution of hot water and special shampoo are injected under high pressure and sucked back by powerful vacuums to rinse the dissolved dirt.

Is it possible to get rid of all stains?

Carpet stain removal is seen, by most of the customers enquiring about our services, as guaranteed solution for their stain removal needs. We go to advanced spot and stain removal courses every year to get up to date with new products and techniques, as we want to be able to deliver the best and fully guaranteed service to our customers. When we say fully guaranteed, we do not mean that every single stain will be entirely removed, as this is only possible in fairy tales, what we do guarantee is that we would use the best professional products available on the market and by utilising the best industry approved techniques we will achieve the best result possible. Sometimes this results in a completely stain free carpet, sometimes stains improve significantly, and sometimes they will not change at all. We always try to get as much information as possible beforehand, and often ask for photos, as we want to make sure that there is even little chance of getting the stains out.
Sometimes we can spot other damages, which after we point out, the customers decide to change their carpets, rather than waste their money cleaning carpets that can’t be rescued.